Today Dad and I went to the Provo Cemetery and found a lot of our relatives there. I took some pictures. Unfortunately, I did NOT take pictures of my hair the other day. :/
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Look what I found in the cemetery!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Okay. I missed- what, four days? That being said, I guess I'll keep blogging this month, but I'll probably have to do a legit NaBloPoMo next month. Maybe I'll just try every month until I actually get it right.
Today my dad is in Provo!! We've got a lot of fun stuff planned, and I'm pretty psyched. Already this week, I've shown my Dad around Provo (the highlight of which was giving him a tour of Velour, where I play sometimes), and yesterday I took the train to Salt Lake City and met up with him for dinner there. I felt very metropolitan and cool, especially because Greta did my hair yesterday and it looked amazingly classy and gorgeous. She is seriously brilliant in a million ways. :)
Anyway, I'll be taking my camera with me today, so there should be some pictures soon!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It's Tuesday, but... it's Monday?
Eh. We had Monday schedule today, so I went to my lovely film class. Then I came home. Now I'm doing study guides. And stuff.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Today I went to the temple.
And after that, it was all downhill on the interesting scale.
Then again, I wrote a great new lyric for a piece I've been fooling with. :)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I've got a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day. It's a nice excuse to tell people you love/care about them or just that you think they're cool. I didn't really celebrate it conventionally today, though, since it's Sunday. Rather, today I taught my first lesson in Relief Society as an instructor, which was five minutes too short and a bit ill-prepared. Ah, well. I can do better.
After church, I slept for a while. Charné and I had every intention of walking to downtown Provo to explore housing, but we ended up sleeping forever. Later, I walked to Greta's and she and I walked to her grandparents' house while we shared our Valentine's adventures from the night before. Hers was definitely more interesting and seasonal than mine. :)
Later, I walked home and ran into a million people and their dates from my ward, all walking back from a Valentine's fireside. I talked with my cousin and friend on the way home, made it to ward prayer with Charné, and promptly knocked out on the couch when I got home. Until now.
Tomorrow, Charné and I are going to the temple. Other than that, I have no idea how I'm spending Monday.
Peace and blessings. :P
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Last Night...
WAS AMAZING. I played in Velour's Valentine's Masquerade as part of my friend's solo project called Book on Tape Worm. It was a beautiful night and I was privileged to play some very lovely music. :)
Friday, February 12, 2010
I don't really have a lot to say today. Tonight I Skyped the fam and did stuff.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I am doing poorly with this bloggage thing, eh?
Okay. Today I have an excuse. I was at a practice. Until one. That is all.
P.S. I cheated and changed the date on this.
P.S. I cheated and changed the date on this.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Pretend I wrote this yesterday.
I know, I know... I have a tendency to screw this up. BUT the good thing is that I blogged twice the day before yesterday, so it kind of counts. Right?
Anyway, I'm really busy today, so that's all for right now.
Anyway, I'm really busy today, so that's all for right now.
Monday, February 8, 2010
So, today, admittedly, it was scary. I'm not really sure why, since after all four times I've donated, I like to think I'm pretty experienced.
Apparently not, because I was freaking out.
In the end, Charné couldn't donate and Marissa went before me, so once it was my turn, Charné came and held my hand while I freaked out some more. This is why roommates are cool. :) Donating blood was pretty uneventful, but as always, I'm weirdly fascinated with seeing a bag of my blood on the table. It's just interesting to think that a part of me that I had, walking around, going to work, talking and moving, is right there in a bag.
Anyway, I have to sleep now because work is early. :/
Let's Harmonize.
So. Today my friend came over again and we practiced his music and I made up some cool spontaneous harmonies for some of his songs. We're also playing my song called "Don't Call Me Sweetheart," which I'm pretty excited about. The show is this coming weekend, and it's a masquerade, so I get to be all dressed up and such. The only sad thing is that some other friends of mine will be out of town this weekend, so they won't be there. :(
Anyway, today I visited Greta's grandparents' house with her. Her grandparents are super funny. We talked out a bunch of ideas for Greta's essay on a poem by Auden called "That Night When Joy Began." READ IT. It's really good. I also went to FHE and had some good conversations with my roommates.
All is groovy. :)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Sunday, Domingo, Sonntag, Dimanche.
BLAM. Sunday in the four most influential languages on earth. Not bad, eh? Too bad I only speak/understand two of them, and one of the two very poorly. :/
It's been a good Sunday. I got to fast and pray for some pretty significant things right now and I felt good about them. Meetings at church were great, too. Tonight, I'm going to meet Greta's family, since they're visiting from Fallbrook. I'm pretty psyched.
I'm going to go get ready.
I'll pick this up later if I have anything more interesting to say.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Miss Brown Attends Her First Rugby Match.
First, this morning my really talented friend came over and we practiced music. Actually, it wasn't really morning. More like 11.
Oh, and tonight there's a dance. We're all dressed up. Charné did my hair and makeup. I look cute.
Pictures soon to follow. :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
I am posting at MIDNIGHT for today's post!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Bicycle Hunting.
And the bicycle would be there before Spring was.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Time it was, and what a time it was.
Tonight I played at Acoustic Explosion and had so much fun. Music + close friends= the best nights of my life. Thank heaven I can find those two wherever I go.
Here's to old and new friends. Here's to home and to getting away. Here's to new songs surpassing the old ones. And here's to knowing who you are and what you want.
And finally, here's to holding on and letting go at the same time... which I'll have to manage very carefully.
P.S. I really want to go to the World Ecological Forum this summer.
P. P. S. This means I'm officially more of a geek than ever, doesn't it?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Day Two.
And it came to pass that it was a long day that started and ended with music and laughter.
Monday, February 1, 2010
This month I'm trying to get Madelyn to NaBloPoMo with me, since I failed in December. I figure if I do this with someone I'll be more committed and whatever.
This morning I went to work, where I sent a bunch of emails for some professors I know who are advancing to full professor. After work was French and Italian Cinema, which is one of my favorite classes this semester. We watched a film called "Rome: Open City" today. Basically, every day in film, I fall asleep for about fifteen minutes-ish and then wake up and pick up the story again. Today I fell asleep for a long time, though, and woke up to see the end, which was one of the coolest endings all semester. I'll have to re-watch it.
Anyway, after that I met up with Greta and we talked for a long time about life and such. Then I walked home and called my mom and argued with her for a while, even though I can't figure out the basis for my argument entirely(Don't ask, it's not really relevant). I got home and listened to Simon and Garfunkel for a while on Marissa's computer.
Later tonight, we're having FHE at our apartment and then an extremely talented friend of mine is coming over to practice. I'm playing the piano for him at a show he's doing in about two weeks. I'm psyched, to say the least. :)
Madelyn: this is your queue. Go write something.
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