Sunday, January 10, 2010


It's been a while-ish, but here are some things I've been doing (in list form, as always):
1. Glorying in this awesome vintage bag my Grandma Nora gave me over Christmas break.
2. Writing letters to my brother Collin, who is serving a mission in the Dallas, TX area. :)
3. Yesterday I went ice skating with two of my friends at the Gallivan in Salt Lake. It's the cutest little rink and I think we all had a fairly good time, despite falling over on the ice a few times.
4. International Cinema-ing. I LOVE INTERNATIONAL CINEMA, and the new season kicked off on Friday by sh0wing the last season's most popular films: Psycho and Pan's Labyrinth. Some friends and I saw Psycho last night, which isn't very scary the second time around. Anyway, I'm really excited for the new season!
5. Starting my new job! I've already said how excited I am about this. I get to work with some of the coolest people on campus, in my opinion. :) I've already made two posters and I'm going to have many more opportunities to develop design-wise.
6. Starting classes, which are going well, now that I've got my schedule figured out. I'm especially excited for... pretty much all of them? Astronomy, French and Italian Cinema (no french/italian required, thank heavens) and Vocal Training! Also, my friend Greta and I are taking a jogging class together, which will be a great experience!
7. Looking through my sophomore year notebook. I wrote a bunch of really cool songs when I was a sophomore, and I am increasingly more proud of 15-year-old me as I dredge them up and start working with them again.
7. Planning my amazing Maeser show, which will either be at the end of this month or sometime in February. I'm trying to pick a day when there's a "lull," as my friend Greta put it. Yesterday I found a bunch of songs on iTunes that have my full name in them, which I think would be hilarious to play before the show starts.
8. Cooking/trying to cook. The other day I made fried rice, which was a great success. I've always been good at making that, though. I'm planning a little dinner party for next week for a reunion with some of the girls I know, and I'm making curry. THAT should be exciting. Mmmmm... curry. And today, I am making muffins. From a box, though. Doesn't really count.
9. Missing David Tennant as Doctor Who. REALLY, REALLY MISSING HIM. :/ (Even though the episode with the new guy hasn't aired yet.) (Or at least, I haven't seen it yet.)
10. Being myself. We'll see if I can keep that up...

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